More logistical notes. I finally managed to get the uploading to the Internet Archive working again, and the buffer between what's available and what's been posted is once again on the increase. The feeling of well-being the creates is indescribable except to those similarly afflicted.
The afflictions available in this show are numerous and varied. Monsters v. Everyone stretches the description of "monster" (and, in fact, "everyone" as well) to give you a creeping dread not normally found outside of October. Plenty of chewy backwards masking and airy atmospherics.
- Trapped in Snow
- Gasp
- Bat Power Dive
- Bell Haven
- Marco Polo
- Speaking in Tongues
- Mammal Attack
- Sing us a song, you're the Piano Monster
- Chinese Water Tenure
- Deep Inside the Haunted Ship
- Aviary
- Example 22
- Bell Haven (reprise)
Added by IanF-R:
Link to this show's flowsheet. At some point I might try to OCR these...