"Buffer" because the number 128 reminded me of old computer systems? An aural dumping ground, the shows built up around whatever got picked up, following patterns and relationships not discernible to the distant listener. Some pieces are wholly random and unrelated, lying clumsily against each other like discarded cutouts and leftovers. This could be some run-up-to-Halloween material resting awkwardly between editing experiments, random loops, and effects overloading. Tape manipulations, reversals, and forced-skipping records figure largely in this episode.
- Water drips on piano keys
- Pressure release valve
- Mob scene, Haunted Village, 1952
- Hot cats and wobbly bolero
- Lecture and gunfire in drainpipe
- Yule fawn
- Atari Teenage Blabbermouth
- Jody is losing reality
- Self-destroying suspicion
- Windy city loop
- Out-of-range 80s electro
- Windchimes & PVC bass