Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A plan to finish?

What, me worry?

Since I last was adding shows in earnest, I've moved, changed jobs, and begun raising a child. I think I shall have time once a week to add the remaining shows here, roughly paralleling their original broadcast dates so that Halloween and Christmas shows still to come will appear around the proper time in the upcoming months. Famous last words, of course. Fingers crossed...

Ian F-R

Ten Minute Bursts (#129)

Source file found here. Originally broadcast on this day 16 years ago(!), October 8th, 1998.

I can only faintly remember the idea for this show--to parcel out the show into 10-minute chunks, trying to cut ourselves off in mid-stride once the timer goes off, to keep from getting stuck into long periods of repetition. Without minutely analyzing the recording to see if that worked, this show doesn't stand out from others that I've heard in any dramatic way. The same tropes and tactics seem to be in effect here: digital FX, forced hypnotic loops, vinyl record manipulation, and non-sequitur text-and-background arrangements.

If anything, the overall show seems less violently disruptive of its own grooves--it gets into a new track and digs on it for a bit, then moves to a different one and tries that for a bit. There are some really great textural sections here, from sharp, cutting distortion to soft, crackly prickles like an aural wool sweater. Recognized sources: Star Wars OST, Led Zep, OOIOO, Melt Banana, Medicine, NIN.

  1. Continuous Sandpeople
  2. Rubbery-go-round
  3. "Die yr roots"
  4. Short-circuiting telegraph
  5. Tap tap tap--whatisit?
  6. Communication freakout
  7. Electrified chicken coop
  8. Metaphysical tagalongs
  9. Train trestle becomes fast drums
  10. Funky break, falling horns
  11. Resonant whisper
  12. Wolf-the-frank
  13. Thrum pulse sunrise