May 8th is my brother's birthday. Apropos of nothing, really.
The Title "Cheering Man" refers to... well... that guy you keep hearing the the background all the way through the piece. This is full of the human voice, instructional tapes, singing, chanting, murmurs, conversation. It's like four radio plays at once; constantly upstaging each other and taking the narrative somewhere crazy and awesome. Near the end, we should call it "Typing Man"
- Outtakes from Mars Attacks!
- Sounds like Vincent Price.
- We didn't start the fire.
- Strain.
- The Clowns are not Made Less Frightening.
- Speed Learning.
- Reading is Fundamental
- Proper Home Keys
- WWW Space
- Twitchcore
- Very Mellow Breakfast
- Wild West Techno
- Fire! Fire! Fire!
Added by IanF-R:
This show's flowsheet.