Part 1
This one is getting going with full-force (already? Save it up, you still have pts 3-4!) raucousness and mayhem. Featuring a cruise-band record from my parents' Bermuda honeymoon, Lewis Carroll poems, the trusty HAL-9000, and some serious out-there skronk and noise, scattered amongst the drone.
- On a ship: Lounge act, engine drone
- A Wonderland revue
- Anime exclaims with light industrial ditty
- Primitive scree, rawk overclocked
- Wait. Who started the self-destruct sequence?
- This is it. We're going to die.
- Your life flashes before your eyes—oddly with singing chipmunks
- Limbo = electronique opera overture
- Getting the saxophone started on a cold morning
- Airplane mimicry in shop class
- The Avant-garde vs. the Vienna Philharmonic
- Absurd getting ugly, draws in John Williams
- Twinkling beats. Get it? Beats?