Sunday, June 12, 2011

Drones (#66)

Source here. Originally recorded on July 24th, 1997.

I could say I've been on "Summer Hiatus" and to a certain extent (except for the summer part) that's true. The Big Lazies have gotten to me the past two weekends (in a ROW), and we've all suffered as a result.

Drone music does nothing to shake off the lazy feeling, even enhancing it if you play your cards right. Given that, it's amazing that this is such a short bit. With the abrupt start, it's probably one we started recording somewhere in the middle, or accidentally forgot to flip the tape, or something like that as the music overtook us. This is all muddy (in the good way) resonant ringing drone, and pretty fantastic at that.
  1. Gurgle gurgle gurgle puke
  2. The spins with a catchy beat
  3. Interstellar Autobahn
  4. Wrung out all wrong
  5. Stop with the shouting!
  6. It's thunderous, but it's not applause
  7. The drill bottoms out
  8. Jimmy Carter Noir
  9. Flying away on a robot intermodulator
  10. Reference tone manipulation
  11. Quiet water-powered xylophone
  12. Chewy reverb harmonium sound
  13. Phone tone lone drone