Sunday, February 19, 2012

Wax Snd Trk (#42)

Source to be found here. Originally broadcast on February 13, 1997.

This show features decorative and distracting sounds surrounding the audio from David Blair's feature-length film Wax or the Discovery of Television Among the Bees. Wax is a surreal allegory involving a beekeeper who skips across time and space to interact with Cain and Abel in the Garden of Eden, meet giant intelligent bees in the New Mexico desert, and become a high-tech weapons system in the 1991 Gulf War. It was the first motion picture to be available via HTTP in 1993.

I purchased a VHS copy of Wax from Blair after seeing a fragment of it in video studio at undergrad art school. Its unstuck-in-time story and the juxtaposition of disparate elements appealed to my new sense of Digital and The Internet, as well as fondness for the really strange. Using early non-linear editing, it exploits that technology's advantages, crafting archival, stock, and original video footage with early computer graphic animation into a disorienting but compelling visual epic.

Soundwise, Wax is simply narrated in the first person by Blair with ambient music and sound effects, so our audio contributions attempt to enhance it in the absence of the film's imagery. Mostly, they add another inscrutable layer, consisting of guitar scrapes, clangs, screeching hand-turned records, samples from Negativland's A Big 10-8 Place, and, finally, some good old drum-and-bass.
  1. The first plutonium bomb
  2. A message was waiting for me in my grandfather's diary
  3. 'O' for the operator
  4. The Tower of Babel
  5. The language of Cain
  6. Out of the dark machinery
  7. I was Zoltan Abbasid
  8. Priests and military planners
  9. A machine large enough to scan an entire mourner
  10. In the air over Basra, southern Iraq
  11. We're genetic researchers
  12. We've come for what's ours

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Potluck Dinner (#106) (Ian and Jason)

Source here. Originally recorded on April 30th, 1998.

This was supposed to be a sort of potluck of a show, giving each of the current members a chance to explore a theme in a smaller space of time but a larger sphere of influence (either unencumbered by or freed from other members' wills).

What transpires is three very different pieces.  However, we only have two right now.  Lisa's may be lost to time, I fear. I need to dig through the remaining recordings to determine if it's still here.

Also note incidental Mac sounds.....
  1. Announcement and Explanation
  2. Densely populated concert halls
  3. Engraved Television Weapon
  4. Lightsaber Battle
  5. Cardboard box saw
  6. Reverse attackarama
  7. Fake space sonar test
  8. BittersweetBittersweetBittersweetBittersweet
  9. Slavetothemoneythenslavetothemoneythenslavetothemoney
  10. BittersweetPublicEnemyNoNoNoNoNo
  11. PowerhouseSymphony
  12. YouKnowThePusherThatTakesYou
  13. TheOtherPusherICantChangeMyModeGoodLeader

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Guitar (#104)

Source here. Originally recorded on April 16th, 1998.

If you look at the absurdly brief history of rock music, you'll notice that it both starts and ends with the acquisition and abandonment of the electric guitar. Barely an eyeblink in our cultural history, and yet it commandeers an exalted location in our minds.


This show is made up mostly entirely of guitar samples. The sounds are occasionally processed.
  1. Completely Attack-Free
  2. Like an amplified spring doorstop.
  3. Suddenly, Bass!
  4. String Scraping
  5. Tradition creeps in
  6. Smooth meets Rough
  7. Not strictly "Rock", per se
  8. Drone Tuning with King Crimson
  9. More careful instruction
  10. Less practice more flailing
  11. Distortion is an instrument unto itself
  12. Crunch and Grind
  13. Hammer no more the strings