Sunday, February 12, 2012

Potluck Dinner (#106) (Ian and Jason)

Source here. Originally recorded on April 30th, 1998.

This was supposed to be a sort of potluck of a show, giving each of the current members a chance to explore a theme in a smaller space of time but a larger sphere of influence (either unencumbered by or freed from other members' wills).

What transpires is three very different pieces.  However, we only have two right now.  Lisa's may be lost to time, I fear. I need to dig through the remaining recordings to determine if it's still here.

Also note incidental Mac sounds.....
  1. Announcement and Explanation
  2. Densely populated concert halls
  3. Engraved Television Weapon
  4. Lightsaber Battle
  5. Cardboard box saw
  6. Reverse attackarama
  7. Fake space sonar test
  8. BittersweetBittersweetBittersweetBittersweet
  9. Slavetothemoneythenslavetothemoneythenslavetothemoney
  10. BittersweetPublicEnemyNoNoNoNoNo
  11. PowerhouseSymphony
  12. YouKnowThePusherThatTakesYou
  13. TheOtherPusherICantChangeMyModeGoodLeader