Sunday, March 21, 2010

Religion and its Predecessor, Feedback (#24)

Original source here. Recorded on November 2, 1996.

This is a pretty good bit of synchronization, seeing as how Easter is just around the corner (although maybe the indulgent nature of this is more suited to Fat Tuesday. It's possible). There's not as much traditional feedback in this one as you might expect, but the fact that I'm currently suffering under a head cold and consuming quite a bit of NyQuil means that it's all sounding a bit more transcendent than usual.

I would say "Take this with a dose of cough syrup", but I am not a doctor or a reverend.
  1. To the four corners of the Earth
  2. Stomp. Clap. Shout.
  3. Speeding up and Slowing down
  4. Sweating to the Great Old Ones
  5. Religion Blurs the Line Between Country and Gospel.
  6. If it's not true for you. It's not true.
  7. Which Delta are We Talking About?
  8. If the Spirit Moves You
  9. Shortwave Message to the Lord
  10. Trying to Watch the Game
  11. Looking for a Snake to Handle
  12. Call to Prayer
  13. Greater Than One

Added by IanF-R:
Link to this show's flowsheet