Monday, May 3, 2010

How to Produce Triskaidekaphobia (#43)

This show's manic first half is laced with squeals and voices which sometimes creep out into the foreground. It then settles a bit into some spatial studies and musical interludes before returning to a whirling vortex noise finale. It makes me wonder whether the show title referred to generating superstitions or simulating them. Overall, it is an entropic exposition, with a reverb-y, dubby feel throughout, meandering through several dark or stormy dub-places before emerging--fairly gently--in the dub-Andes where it began.
  1. Eno's Machu Picchu Summer Breeze
  2. We Medical Men Call It Paranoia
  3. Parrot Fear Dub
  4. Fidgeting, Flailing
  5. Ricky Nelson's Fav-o-rite Fade-out
  6. Negative Space / Celtic Interluding
  7. Down in The Hole, Gleaming Edges Visible
  8. The Saxophone Debacle
  9. Dong Reverb
  10. "Light Fuse, Get Away"
  11. Spirit Animal Petting Zoo
  12. Out of the Lawnmower & Into the Singularity
  13. Gentle Flautro Dub

This show's flowsheet. Originally broadcast and recorded on February 20, 1997. Show also available to stream or download here.