Sunday, March 27, 2011

Excerpts (#38)

Source here. Originally recorded on January 16th, 1997.

Too much typing today. I wanted to write up a review of the Bad Plus show last night (link, you are under no obligation to follow) before moving on to having collage pollute my brain by shoving my recollections elsewhere. Done and done.

Much longer passages with less layering define this piece as ideas are allowed to develop and either work or fail over time. As a result, I listened to this in real time (dirty little secret, I sometimes skip ahead since it would make the third time I've listened to something like this). We had what seems to be an inordinate amount of fun with slowly hand-turning turntables. This is not a bad thing.
  1. The Flavor of an Indeterminate Old Country
  2. Moving Northward into Wolf Country
  3. Hand cranked creature comforts
  4. Drug/Drugs across the strings
  5. Gulls and Dogs do not like Electronica
  6. Cartoonish concepts of a nation state
  7. Quick jazz break
  8. Preaching to the disco choir
  9. Urgent message from the front lines
  10. Rotary Kalimba
  11. Accordion to you
  12. I am desperately trying to be spooky here
  13. Post Show Post Rock