Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Nuclear Family (#82)

Source here. Originally aired on 11/13/1997.

Let me start by saying I totally love Ian's announcement at the beginning that WXDU is a peace-loving organization and does not condone the use of nuclear weaponry, despite the contents of the show. That totally makes my day each time I listen to it, because it's like the perfect combination of cheekiness and sincerity.

Just after this it almost seems like dead air. One might be inclined to skip the really quiet bits. It builds a little gradually.

This is all cold-war era stuff. So the music and whatnot will be familiar to a certain age (those people are probably not reading this, but whatever). This is more Nuclear, and less Family, but the actual explosions are easier to articulate than the metaphorical ones. There's an inexplicable amount of stuff from a multiracial acceptance album; and an antique one at that, because it uses the words "Negro" and "Mongolian" liberally and earnestly.
  2. A very quiet beginning
  3. No atheists in foxholes
  4. Nuclear tourism
  5. Duck and Cover!
  6. Shopping list
  7. An antiquated digression on race while the bombs fall
  8. "It's like Titanic, but with nuclear weapons."
  9. It doesn't get much more majestic than this
  10. That funny in-between look
  11. What's the point of building it if you don't use it?
  12. It can destroy any city (in Texas)
  13. Stupidity has a habit of getting its way