Wednesday, December 28, 2011

TKDF Reports Live News (#77)

Source here. Originally broadcast on October 9, 1997.

80% of any blog is apologizing for infrequent posting, so I'll forgo that there and hope you have us in your automatic reader and this just pops up as a pleasant surprise. I'll try and knock out a few of these over the break, and send them out in measured fashion.

This is sample-heavy, and somewhat localized to the at-the-time North Carolina home of the show. These are not intrinsically bad things. Some of the less-local news is very newsworthy, and in particular snippits of Negativland's legal troubles feature occasionally. Percussive Morse Code compliments robotic telex.
  1. To Protect and to Serve a Voice Synthesizer
  2. A lack of crowd control
  3. Absinthe of Malice (Nectar of the Goths)
  4. News, Reported
  5. This is Yhaoo News.
  6. Everybody Quiet!
  7. Dean Smith is Stepping Down
  8. Unabombermultiplex.
  9. The History of Howland Island
  10. The Tape Fell Into the Wrong Hands
  11. Students and Alumni
  12. Junior Rodeo Storm Warning
  13. We now return to our reporter in North Carolina.